Season of Change

"Sometimes we know not whether we stand at the beginning or the end of a season within our own life. Yet we know that the wintry ground will thaw and spring's roots will rise again. What man forgets, nature remembers." -Henry David Thoreau

This month has unleashed themes of transition, of deep internal transformation, of making a way out of no way. As we prepare for the new season ahead, a sense of awakening and surrendering unfolds. We gracefully begin to transcend egoic attachments and release any illusion that limits our full potential. 

Transformation requires the capacity to sit with complexity. As we navigate global conflict and uncertainty, we are called to simplify our lives and to cultivate stability in our own unique way. We feel the need to ground in our bodies, to release the dead weight that is blocking or blurring that which needs to be prioritized. This is an invitation to release so that we can receive, and to embody so that we can become. 

This next phase of life requires the death of our current reality. Internal beliefs and scripts running in the background need to be assessed and restructured. Dig into the roots and let the old, outdated ways of being drop. Accepting the cycles of death and rebirth is an integral part of life, and an opportunity for freedom. 

We are being asked to create inner peace amidst the external chaos. Only then can we project peace outward and affect the change we want to see in the world. We are revisiting the same themes, in different depths. Upholding our grace and dignity for ourselves and others is now more important than ever. Awareness yields understanding and creates fortitude during times of upheaval. 

 "Grief is the price we pay for love, and love is why we are here." -Danielle Bernstein 


Journaling Prompts:

  • What am I ready to shift?

  • What old story is overdue for release?

  • What activates me?

  • I feel most myself, most alive, most in love with myself and my life when…


Happy New Year!


Attachment & Inner Transformation